Support Design Justice

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” - Angela Y. Davis


This Is Our Collective Responsibility

Our work of advancing racial, cultural, and economic justice through the design of equitable space is widespread and ongoing. It takes collaboration and co-creation, and we would love your support along the way.

Donate online.

Your gift is fully tax-deductible and helps support all aspects of our work. Design As Protest is a non-profit initiative under the fiscal sponsorship of Colloqate a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Donate by mail.

To send a donation by mail, please send a check to:

Design As Protest c/o Colloqate. 4025 Ulloa St. New Orleans LA 70119 USA

Please make checks payable to Colloqate and indicate ‘Design As Protest’ in the check memo. If you would like to contribute to a specific initiative, please specify (for example “DAP—General Fund” or “DAP—Direct Action”).